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책친구/To Overcome Konglish

영어회화 20240906

by seetop 2024. 9. 6.

S06E03 #8

- Using GPT and create great PPTs or Excel forms can be called "ability"?
Using GPT and making PPTs by AI Tools are very important abilities to personal. When window 3.01 was released, Excel was released too and many of people do not know how to use them. But those who studied those tools were able to quickly widen their job scope and capabilities.
When I was a freshman in the office, there was a match between abacus, jusan, and calculator, and finally the calculator won.


- Do you think humanity can realistically live in space, on other planets?
à Do you think humans can realistically live in space or on other planets?

In my opinion, it would be possible if we might move to there. But not now. After some generation, then the technology will be developed further.


- What kind of game do you like the most? And what could you get from the game? Do you think games are only harmful for people? or what benefits do you think games may have?

I like Sudoku. It would be helpful to prevent or to put off getting Alzheimer. Some of games would be useful to improve thinking deeply, memorizing and relationships between team members.    


- What's the best way to increase someone's self-esteem?

In my think, there are three ways to boost one’s self-esteem. The first one is to read many books. Then you finally know how little other people’s knowledge is. And next one is do not compare yourself to others. And the last is do best yourself every moment, every day. Somebody said, if you could grow up yourself by 1% rate every day, you should be grown up 37.8 times after a year. And plus one is that live in the present not in the past or not in the worries.


- What if there were only two season summer or winter in Korea. If you choose one of them What would you want it to be?
à What if there were only two season summer or winter in Korea. If you choose one of them, which would you want it to be?

I would rather choose the summer. When it were too hot, we could go to the indoor where the air conditioner being work. Sometimes we can enjoy the outdoor reports wearing thin clothes. But in winter, we should wear heavy gears to enjoy outdoor actions. And it would be very dry and it would make some troubles on the skin.


- What do you think about Korean's education system? (School activities, Study etc) comparing to America or Japan?

To be honest, I don’t know the other country’s education system. But I have an opinion that Korean education system should be changed. In the school hood, students should have various experiences, especially human relationships by various activities like as team sports, volunteers, arbeits, discussing after reading books or seeing arts of paintings or hand-sculptures.  


- What do you think about American Dream? Is it about financial success, personal freedom, or something else?

In the past, it was about money. Many people had immigrant from Korea into America to get the job and money. But today many people move to America to achieve self-realization. To get the degree, to create new business, to experience various things likes as arts, music, sports and so on.

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