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책친구/To Overcome Konglish


by seetop 2024. 11. 21.

S06E07 #2

- People say "Steven Spielberg does not watch other movies because it may affect his thoughts when he makes a movie" what do you think about this?

In my thought, I could understand his stance. I had once heard that reducing is more difficult than adding somethings. Sometimes we could find the movie which contains too many things, and we could also find that movie is not well made.

Many people says, the most difficult problem in writing essay, poem and novel is how to cut down the saying what he want to say.


- If you could download your thoughts and memories into this computer and live forever as a machine, would you do it?

The Galaxy Train No 999 describes that theme. The main character travels to find his mother who might live in the end of the galaxy. And finally he met her mother not having body but exchanged by machine, cyborg for everlasting life. If there were no pain, no trouble then there would be no happiness and enjoying. Humans feel happiness when they have overcome some trouble and gain the goal. So, the attainable but slightly difficult goal is the very attractive motivating thing to one to move. Therefore, I do not want to live as a machine.


- Good play with bad form vs Bad play with excellent form which one do you want to be?

If he is a professional, it doesn’t matter how his form is good or not. But, like as me, having bad body, not good at movement, the form is very important. The correct posture can help me exercising. And one should find the good form adjusting to his body.
For example, in running, the foot landing posture is big issue in social media. Those are three types. The first one is fore foot, and next is mid food, and last is hill foot. Many coaches who leads running crew recommends the mid foot method. But Mr. Hwang, the golden medalist of the Olympic marathon insists that the mid foot type is developed for international athelets to gain the world records.


- Monica likes to clean and organize stuff every day. Could you take her as a roommate?

As for me, it’s a very nice situation. I could live in the cleaned room. Because she would clean more than me. And I could learn the effective method how to clean the room easily. But I wonder if she welcome me.

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