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책친구/To Overcome Konglish

영어회화 20230707

by seetop 2023. 7. 7.


- What will be the good housewarming gifts for you?

Re: A good picture. A reproduction of Monet, Rembrandts or Van Gogh. In my house, we have a 풍경, wind-bell, made by biscuit fired clay. It sounds cleanly when wind coming. It is one of the gift which I gave my wife.   


- What kind of job requires the sense of duty the most?

Re: A fireman? A social welfare worker? A surgeon? An environment keeper? A teacher? In my opinion, the fireman needs a heavy duty. Sometimes they meet the challenge of life of themselves.


- What would be the effective training or education for kids?

Re: This ask is about too various things. In my opinion, the purpose of education is to grow the power of thinking and sympathy, not to upgrade the ability of the solving test of how much learned. So I insist that it is very important to learn how to listen and speak to others.
Looking back my high schooldays I don’t remember talking about something in the class. We all just do dictate the teacher’s speech(those days, the test of the ability of learning,
학력고사, was extracted from the national certificated text, I remembered).


- Dunkin donuts provides the free donuts for Police to protect the store from Thieves or Murders. Do you know any promotion like this kind of example?

Re: I didn’t heard of it before now. Is it in Korea? I cannot believe it. But if I were the owner of a café or food store, I would use the promotion of those way. Because the marketing of those way make the store be a good place. Those who using the store, fire man, police man, will raise up the viral marketing.


- A person around you has been doing something bad, Are you go to persuade the person not to do it? Or just let the person do, although you know the person is not going to listen?

Persuade: 설득하다

Re: If the person were an adult, I believe that he would know that too. And there would be a reason that he should so that. So I rather ask why he does that than persuade him. If he doesn’t know that was wrong, he would realize that was wrong by talking me about that.


- Knowing the other country's culture, how it can be helpful for you?

Re: If I knew the culture of the province where I would visit, it can be reduce the risk of mistakes which can be occurred by unknowing the etiquette. For example, in Muslim society, pork and alcohol not be permitted to eat.


- If you go to a concert which one do you prefer? Dance singer vs Ballade.

Re: I would prefer the first. Nowadays, I’m enjoying the TV show, “댄스유랑단”. I like musical shows. My first musical was the 42nd street of the Broadway. And several years ago I attended the Chicago, the main actor was 인순이. The ticket price was very high. So I cannot go to the musical show easily. If I had another choice to choose the concert, I would go to the rock & roll, 송골매, 산울림. They were my idol, in my teenagers.  


- What action have you done to lose or gain weight?  
Re: when I was twenties, I was one of the skinny, “
말라깽이”. I had some stress of it. And I decided to gain weight and signed a health club. When those days, there were no fitness center or gym but health club only. I had been that health club for two months. But there were no changes in weight. So I stopped going the gym. And after a month, my weight was increase about 3kgs. So I realized that after stopping the weight training, the weight would be increased.

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