- A person around you has been doing something silly, Are you gonna persuade the person not to do it? Or just let the person do? Although you know the person is not going to listen.
Silly : 어리석은
Re: If he would not listen to others’ opinion, I would just wait when he realize that how silly it was or when he need to others’ help. I know the one who would not listen to others’ opinion. She was so busy to talk and would not listen to. When I intercept to give some advice, she anger to me and says that she just need to someone to listen to her.
- Knowing the other country's culture, How it can be helpful for you?
Re: Knowing the other country’s culture makes me reducing the risk of unknowing. For example, we know that Muslim will not eat pork and alcohol, so we can avoid the risk that we suggest have alcohol and pork for dinner.
Many of Chinese do not shampoo his hair every day. Because, the water in China has a plenty of compound of calcium, 석회질, so, the natives would not shampoo every day. If we know this, we might not claim them un-washing their hair.
- If you go to a concert which one do you prefer? Dance singer vs Ballade.
Re: I would like to choose the first one, dancing. I wish to go to Psy’s Concert to check the rumor that his show was how much wow-able.
- What action have you done to lose or gain weight?
Re: when I was young, I was a skinny body, 말라깽이, and it was one of complex to me. So I tried to gain the weight. And I went to health club not fitness gym. After three months, my weight was not changed. So I stopped going to the center. After then, my weight was increased a small grade. So I know that after quit the physical exercise, get the weight easily before then.
- Have you heard of 5억year button? If you press it you can get 1,000 bucks but you would be transmitted to somewhere and have to stay 5억year. When you return after 5억year, You don't remember anything. What would you do?
Buck: 달러, 돈
Re: If you buttoned it, you should go to 5 hundred million years ago. And you should survive for 5 hundred million years. And after 5 hundred million years, the moment of the buttoning, your memories of 5 hundred million years were deleted and others who surrounds you could not aware of it. And you will get the big money. But, if I knew this story, I would not button it. Because I am doubt that I could not survive for 5 hundred million years. And we could assume that, nobody knows that the buttoned man went to past and come to this moment, and there are no method to prove it, it is possible that one can deceive others. The main issue is that there are no way to prove the mission be completed or not
누르면 100만엔(한화 약 950만원)이 나오는 버튼이 있다. 그 버튼을 누르면 누른 사람의 정신은 어딘가로 워프해서 아무것도 없는 곳에서 5억 년의 시간을 보내게 된다. 그 곳에는 타일 바닥 외에는 아무것도 없고, 죽거나 잠자는 등 의식을 잃는 행위가 불가능하며, 그저 살아야 한다. 하지만 끝나는 순간에 정신은 원래대로 돌아오고, 시간도 몸도 원래대로 돌아온다. 기억은 지워진 채로. 누른 사람 입장에서는 "어, 뭐야 벌써 끝났어? 순식간에 100만엔을 벌었네! 럭키!!"라고 말할 수 있을 정도로 5억 년 동안의 기억이 사라진다. 옆에서 친구가 누르는 것을 봤을 때는 아무 일도 일어나지 않은 것처럼 보여서 주인공 스네로가 그 버튼을 누르지만, 진짜로 아무것도 없는 공간에서 5억 년을 지내게 된다.
3일 째: 출구를 찾아서 내내 달리다가 포기한다.
일주일 째: 가족과 친구들을 생각한다.
3개월 째: 이곳에서 엄청 많은 시간을 지내야 한다는 것을 깨닫기 시작하며 앞으로의 생활을 애석해한다.
반년 째: 여러 가지 혼자 놀기 게임을 개발한다. 싫증 나면 다른 것을 개발한다. 어쨌든 시간을 보내지 않으면 미쳐버릴 것만 같지만, 미치지는 않는다.
1년 째: 망상에 빠진다. 꽤 오래 했지만 허무할 뿐이라고. 여기까지가 겨우 1년이다.
40년 째: 이곳에서 지낸 시간이 현실에서 살아온 시간을 넘어선 지 오래됐다. 버튼을 누른 자신의 행동을 몇 번이고 후회한다.
100년 째: 앞으로 몇 년 정도...... 이렇게 있으면 될까......
※해설: 앞으로 4억 9999만 9900년 힘내라 스네로.
1만 2,066년 째: 사고를 포기한 지 이미 오래이다. 하지만 죽을 수도, 의식을 잃을 수도 없어 1만 2066년 동안 1초 1초를 인식하면서 살아왔다.
504만 9,272년 째: 철학적인 의문을 떠올린다. 여기가 현실이 아닌 걸까? 여기는 우주의 어디쯤인가? 우주는 무엇인가? 나는 누구인가? 등등...... 그리고 주인공은 생각할 시간이 아주 많아서 10년, 100년, 1만 년...... 자기 나름의 학문을 이끌어낸다.
2천 만년 째: 그는 이미 인류의 지혜를 아득히 초월한 발상과 이론의 틀에서 진리를 추구하고 있다.
1억 2,316만 9,649년 째: 그는 우주를 이해하고 무언가를 깨달은 듯하다.
남은 3억 7,683만 351년 동안 그는 공간과 조화했다.
그리고 5억년 째, 그는 세계로 돌아간다.
이 모든 기억들은 지워졌다. 버튼을 누른 주인공은 아무것도 모르는 채로 100만엔을 벌었다고 좋아하고, 타카하시 명인처럼 연타해 버린다며 16번을 연속으로 누른다. 80억 년의 방황이 시작되고, 만화는 끝난다. From Namu.wicki/,
- If you are an interviewer what questions do you want to ask to the interviewees?
Re: To hire. I would question that how his humanity is and what the most value of him is. The balance of thinking and doing.
What his recent interest thing is. And what makes it the most interest thing or how it influence to him.
- If you have kids. TV or something like YouTube, Which one do you want your kids to watch?
Re: I rather choose TV than YouTube. A few days ago, I heard a news that short video like as Reels or Shorts makes person weaken one’s concentration status. And TV show are longer than Reels of Instagram or Shorts of YouTube.
- There are 2 jobs. The first is the office worker with the average paycheck, the second job is the technicians like a plumber, carpenter and electrician etc. those which are really tough but 4~5 times as big as the average paycheck. Which job do you prefer?
Plumber: 배관공 (미국에서는 보수가 상당히 높은 직종이라고 알려져 있음)
Re: If my physical condition can be afford it, I should choose the next one, technicians.
- If you can take care of only one thing which one do you do? Anniversary of lover vs Best friend's birthday.
Re: Absolutely, the first one. Because my best friend should understand me of my lover’s anniversary. If he did not understand my situation, he is not my best but common.
- If you could go on a trip of one of these which one would you do? Going on a space trip vs Time travel to the past.
Re: I prefer the first. The past was passed away already. Going on a space is not experienced to me. But past was the experienced to me.
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