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책친구/To Overcome Konglish

영어일기 20230410

by seetop 2023. 4. 19.

지난 일요일에는 사천에 아내와 함께 다녀왔어요.

Last Sunday, I and my wife went to Sacheon, Gyeong-Nam to attend a ceremony.

아내의 외 할머니께서 올해 100세가 되시는 것을 기념하는 가족 행사가 있었어요.

It was the ceremony for the congratulation of my wife’s maternal grandmother’s Birthday. She was one hundred years old, this year.

그분은 1923년 음력 3월에 출생하셨고, 슬하에 아들 하나, 딸 셋을 두었어요.

She was born in the third month of the lunar calendar in nineteen twenty three. And she has thee daughter and one son.

아들, 그러니까 아내의 외삼촌이 이 행사를 준비했어요.

Her son, my wife’s uncle prepared this ceremony.

할머니를 중심으로 약 20명이 모였어요.

Twenty families were gathered.

100세 시대라고는 하지만, 막상 가까운 사람이 100세가 되니까 새삼스러웠어요.

This age is called one hundred years age, it was an astonishing event seeing the real one hundred persons, with my eyes.

지금 조카가 결혼해서 낳은 아이가 2돌을 지나 3돌을 앞에 두고 있어요.

My nephew born a son two years ago.

그러니까 5대가 한 시공간에 공존하고 있는 거에요. 색다른 경험이었어요.

Therefore, if he come with his son, there were five generations in the same time and the same space. It was an amazing experience.


After the event, my wife’s sisters went to a coffee-shop and chattered.

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