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책친구/To Overcome Konglish

영어회화 20230818

by seetop 2023. 8. 18.


- If you could fluently speak a language as a second, what it would be?

Re: Except English, I want to speak Spanish fluently. Because, Spanish is one of the most people using language in the worldwide. And I have a dream trekking the [Camino de Santiago]. It takes from Saint Jean Pied de Port, South France and across the Pyrenees mountains, which is the border of Spain and France and through the north Spain and ended Santiago de Compostela. Somebody says it has about 800km length.


- If the population declines, what serious issues will happen?

Re: I think, it will accelerate the cavitation of city. And many of cities will be change to be ghost town. And many countries will suffer from food shortages. Somebody will have the question what the relation between population decline and food shortage. Population declines, food surpluses at first. And next, the food company will bankrupt and next, the foods will be shorten. And new power of food will come. I think.   


- What type of TV commercial do you like? What gets you to buy it?

Re: Infact, I don’t like home shopping. But traditional TV advertisement sect, mobile phone ad are some interesting to me. They say that all of things and events are in it. How fantasy is to me, it’s awesome to me. But it cannot be attracted to me. If I have one to buy and it appeals on TV, I should watch it interestingly and I worry about buy it or not.


- Being drunk and propose vs Being sober and propose why did they feel different?

Re: Some feel it kidding when the partner is drunk. But some feel it strange when he is sober. But, in my case, I’d rather be sober than drunk. Because, if she says to me “I love you” when she is drunk, I doubt if she does not love me when she is sober.


- No flour vs No rice if you have to live one of the world, which would you choose? also No coffee vs No 삼겹살

Re: Too much flour, I get my stomach hurt. So, I choose the rice world. And, I choose the “coffee world.” 삼겹살 has many alternatives, like as beef, 갈빗살, fishes. The same reason, there are many alternatives to flour, like as oat meal.


- If you could be born again, reborn with the appearance you have been wanting vs get married to the person you have been wanting.

Re: Now I am living with whom I have been wanted. So I choose, within the shape which I want. 크린트이스트우드 of One way ticket, or 알랭드롱 of 루지탕. Which were screened in my teenagers. The first one is the story of being triled a cop and witness of big gang and the next is of the Gibsy in France.  


- What do you think about call phobia?

Re: I want to talk about Kakaotalk than call.


- Teaching skills or wide knowledge which one is more important to teach?

And if you can choose one of these which one will you choose?

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