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책친구/To Overcome Konglish40

영어회화 20230421 S05E10 - What do you think about the status system in England? 사실 오늘까지 영국에 신분제도가 있다는 사실을 몰랐다. 귀족이 있는 줄은 알았지만, 그게 신분제도라고 생각해본 적은 없다. 그리고 인도처럼 신분제도 때문에 발생한 이슈도 듣지를 못했다. 영국의 신분제도는 그저 상류층과 비상류층 정도로만 구분되고 있는 건 아닐까? I did not know that there remains the status system in England, till today. I know that there has a noble class in England, but I do not think that it is a status system. And I never heard.. 2023. 4. 21.
영어일기 20230410 지난 일요일에는 사천에 아내와 함께 다녀왔어요. Last Sunday, I and my wife went to Sacheon, Gyeong-Nam to attend a ceremony. 아내의 외 할머니께서 올해 100세가 되시는 것을 기념하는 가족 행사가 있었어요. It was the ceremony for the congratulation of my wife’s maternal grandmother’s Birthday. She was one hundred years old, this year. 그분은 1923년 음력 3월에 출생하셨고, 슬하에 아들 하나, 딸 셋을 두었어요. She was born in the third month of the lunar calendar in nineteen twent.. 2023. 4. 19.
영어회화 20230414 S05E09 - Do you think you will experience a generation gap with your children? ##. Yes I guess it. There are some generation gap between my children and me. For example, to use a typewriter, we should have learn how to use it because those days it was not common. And it was for special job and there was many private education institute to learn how to us the type writer. But now days, my kids do.. 2023. 4. 13.
영어회화 2023.04.07 S05E08 Additional - What sort of things will you do to amuse yourself during a car journey? ##. Mostly, I tune the radio or hear songs. Lately, I had listened “봄비, 이은하”, that was the good song in the raining spring day. There are many songs of the “spring rain”. “Do you really love the spring rain” of 배따라기. Those were very famous song in my teen ages. As older, I miss memorials of my teen ages. .. 2023. 4. 13.
영어회화 20230331 S05E08 - What do you say to someone to complain about bad service in a store or restaurant? &&. At first, I would listen to him his story what makes him angry and how is his state. And then, I would agree enthusiastically to him for his excitements be calm. - What is healthy food? Do you pay much money or attention to what you eat or what taste? &&. I think, the healthy food is to eat not too mu.. 2023. 3. 31.
영어회화 20230321 S05E07 - Do you think the form is important when you play sports or doesn't matter as long as someone is good at it? %% In my case, I’m not good at sports, so when I learn a new activity, I consider the basic is important for example, postures and principles. But if someone is good at that activity, the posture id not matter. And usually his posture is good. - Have you ever had a roommate and wh.. 2023. 3. 22.
영어회화 20230303 S05E06 - In order to be happy later, Right now being miserable[1] is acceptable? ##. Miserable is not acceptable for me. But some troubles, efforts or pains are acceptable. Miserable is different from trouble. If I had the target to achieve, I could bear some efforts and pains but not miserableness. To success, we should make many efforts. But, if it were forced to have some miserableness, we sh.. 2023. 3. 9.
영어회화 20230224 S05E05 - What do you think about morning people? If you are not, what do you think about the people who force you to be a morning person? #. I have a YouTube subscribing channel of a morning people. I am watching it occasionally. She is an American attorney. She gets up at four half AM. If someone forced me to be a morning people with a reasonable issue, I would follow it. But, when I was young,.. 2023. 2. 24.
20230127_영어회화 모임 주제 S05E03 + 추가분 - Doctor earns a lot of money. If you could be a doctor, Could you have a confidence to face it well? If you meant a medical doctor, and I should treat one’s life, I have no confidence to face it. It’s the why I’m not a doctor. Some days ago, a surgeon was arrested, who was the one, shin-heacheol’s case. It needs highly concentration when a surgeon operating. - What were some fads w.. 2023. 1. 27.
20230106-영어회화 모임 * Did not watch the video So * - If someone around you wants to start learning a language, what kind of advice could you give? I had studied English very hard, but not good at grammar as well as conversation. So, I have not qualified to give an advice. But I should give an advice to someone, to speak out with his own voice. There are many ways to speak out. Reading books and scenarios. And next .. 2023. 1. 6.