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책친구/To Overcome Konglish40

영어일기(2022.10.27) 2022.10.27(Thu) 오늘도 어김없이 오늘은 어땠어요?라고 질문을 받았어요. Today, I was asked “How was today?” with regularity, too. It’s not strange in this meeting. 오늘은 어떤 이야기를 할까요? OK. What story do I say, today? 학창 시절 동아리 활동을 할 때 배웠던 3분 스피치가 생각나요. I recalled three minute speech that I had learned in the circle which I engaged in at the university. 매주 정기 집회가 있는 날이면 모임에 참가한 사람 중에 3~4명을 지적하여 3분 스피치를 시켰어요. The community le.. 2022. 10. 27.
회화모임 (2022.10.21) S04S21 - What's your bucket list? Too many things in my lists. For example, touring wild yard. - Where do you want to go? I'd like to go to trail on the silk road by bicycle. - And another thing? Operating small cafeteria which serves simple foods like as brunch and beverage. - Could you invite your ex to your wedding (Your and you are old school friends and meet regularly in the old school grou.. 2022. 10. 22.
2022.10.19(wed) 2022.10.19(WED) 이 모임에서 가장 어려운 질문이 이거에요. 오늘 어땠어요? I have the most difficult question in this community. That is “how was today?” 그러면 그날 있었던 일 중 어떤 것에 대해서 말을 해야 해요. 그러나 그게 사실은 어려워요. 왜냐하면 일상이란 게 거의 똑 같은 일이 반복되거든요. 그렇게 반복되는 일을 말하는 게 참 어려워요. Then I’m pressed to talk about something happened that day. In fact, it is difficult for me. Because the everyday is almost the same thing over and over again. S.. 2022. 10. 22.
Success consists of...... "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm" --- Winston Churchill "성공이란 열정을 잃지 않고 하나의 실패에서 또 다른 실패로 옮겨가는 과정으로 이루어져 있습니다." 2014. 1. 20.
How was your vacation? How was your vacation? I am in the office. My holiday was over. My boss is in his office too. So, I shoud be in my office. Last Sunday, I went to the icelink with my family. I enjoyed skating with my lovely two daughters. Last Monday, I and wife went to a movie theater to watch a film, 8th-2 Harry Porter. It was very excited and fun. In fact, I wanted to see another movie, Transfomer 3rd. But m.. 2011. 8. 4.
What is your first job? What is your first job? How was it? When I was fifteen, I had the first job. It was a part time job. It was to sell householding goods like as soaps, scrubs, rubber gloves etc. I was a door to door sales man. My income was not good. To have a lunch, I had to sell something. "Hello, Do you need something, don't you? I have many kinds of householding goods." Knocking the door, I said. "I don't ne.. 2007. 11. 22.
Friends Is it easy for you to make friends? It is not easy for me to make a friend, because I am very lazy and shy. I don’t like to talk with a talkative. And I often forget to call or write a letter to friends. So, many of them are not in touch with me in now days. How did you meet your best friend? I don’t remember when we met. My best friends are all the same alumni. We grew up in the same town. .. 2007. 10. 6.
What is your memories? What was your best childhood memory? What happened? When I was eleven, I saw a foreign movie with my uncle. That was the first foreign movie ever I had seen. That was a fire disaster movie. I cannot forget the impression of the spectacle scenery of the firing highest building in the world. The main actors are Paul Newman, Steve McQueen. The former is a construction designer, the other is a firef.. 2007. 9. 29.
Do you often get people telling you their problems? Do you often get people telling you their problems? Yes, I get friends telling me their problems sometimes. I’d like to hear someone’s talk and they likes to tell me their problems. How often do you get your car serviced? I get my car washed once a month and serviced once a quarter. This time I let the service man exchange and check oils, break, tire, steering and wheel …. Is there somethi.. 2007. 9. 12.
What age is your best? What age is your best? And what age is your worst? I think that my best age was twenty. Those days I was very enthusiastic. I did spend the night sometimes. I talked about the issues of the social and political problems with friends all night. Sometimes we sang and danced over night. I read books various subjects from science to history. And my worst age was twenty two, when I was in the Army. T.. 2007. 9. 8.